Each paper will be single-blind reviewed (no anonymous submissions) by at least two members of the program committee, and will be accepted based on its originality, significance and clarity. Papers should describe original and unpublished work on the topics of the conference, and should not exceed 12 pages. If the number of pages exceeds 12 pages, additional registration fees are applicable. A paper cannot be more than 15 pages long. The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Authors should refer to the Author's Instructions on Springer's LNCS web site for more information on paper format and to download the style/template files. Please note that instructions on Springer's web site may refer to the "camera-ready" version of a paper. Authors can use the same instructions for their first submission, as well as for the camera-ready version upon acceptance of their papers.
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (Springer LNCS).
Springer. Information for LNCS Authors
Latex paper template
Microsoft Word template
To submit the final camera-ready paper, please follow the following steps:
- Download the partially filled copyright form from here. Print, complete and sign, and scan the copyright.
- Submit a single zip file containing containing
- all your LaTeX/MS-word sources of your camera-ready paper
- the PDF version of your camera-ready paper
- a signed and completed copyright form
- Authors should refer to the Author's Instructions on Springer's LNCS web site for more information on paper format and to download the style/template files.
Follow this link submit your paper.