Instructions for oral presentation:
Authors of papers allocated to oral sessions will have a 15-minute slot for presentation, plus 5 minutes for questions.
The presenter can use her/his own laptop (with HDMI). Please, go to the room where the session takes place and test your computer in advance (you can use, for example, the Coffee Break slots to do this, or the Registration period, between 8:30 and 9:00). A laptop will be available in the room, but, if you want to use it, please beware that we can only guarantee the correct presentation of PDF files. If this is the case, please send to the PDF with your presentation, identified with the paper ID number. Even if you do not plan to use our laptop, but want to have a backup solution, you can send us the PDF version and we will put it in the local laptop.
Instructions for poster presentation:
- Posters should be A0 format, with vertical (portrait) orientation (841 mm width x 1189 mm height).
- Each poster is assigned to a poster session. You should plan to mount your poster during the morning of your assigned day. Push pins will be available for mounting posters.
- One of the authors must be present at the poster to interact with attendees during the assigned session. Of course, to allow poster presenters to have a chance to see the other posters, it is reasonable to leave the poster for short periods of time.
Poster printing service:
The posters can be printed in Aveiro, upon request for a printing service locally available. The IbPRIA organization has arranged a proposal with the ID4YOU company ( with the cost of 21 euros for a rolled paper version of a poster (A0 color, premium paper). If you decide for this service, please contact ID4YOU via email to with subject "IEETA/IbPRIA Poster printing service" or call +351 234 34 70 74 (portuguese, english, french or spanish spoken). Recall that posters should be send in PDF format with the correct size A0 (as lower sizes will result in low quality when printing).