IbPRIA 2023 image number 1
IbPRIA 2025: 12th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Coimbra, Portugal. June 30 - July 3, 2025

Instructions for oral presentation:
Authors of papers allocated to oral sessions will have a 15-minute slot for presentation, plus 5 minutes for questions.

Presenters can use their own laptop with HDMI connection. Please, go to the room where the session takes place and test your computer in advance (you can use, for example, the Coffee Break slots to do this, or the Registration period). A laptop will be available in the room, but, if you want to use it, please send to ibpria25@isr.uc.pt your presentation in advance, identified with the paper ID number. Even if you do not plan to use our laptop but want to have a backup solution, you can send us the presentation document and we will put it in the local laptop.

Instructions for poster presentation:

Coimbra poster printing service:
The posters can be printed in Coimbra, upon request for a printing service locally available. In this case, posters must be sent for printing before June 15. More details will be released closer to the event.


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